Monday, February 4, 2019

Definition of Writing

                One of the aspects of English teaching is the four basic skill, example, reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Writing as one of the basic skills has an important roles in because writing is a basic skill that everyone can develop through application and practice. Wilkinson (2006:1) mentions that:
                The process of  writing closely  resembles process of speaking, and learning. Writing also leaves a residue, a document that can serve as a tool for reflection, discussion, and  revision. Writing can have a positive impact on achievement; there are several reasons why the effort of writing on learning may vary. The frequency, nature, and social context of the writing task might influence writing’s effects. Writing also takes time from other learning activities that are more or less productive. Students with low confidence, interest, or skill in writing might find additional writing tasks distract and burdensome.
               According the statement above, writing is a basic skill that everyone can develop through application and practice. Chaerani (1992 : 2) states that: the skill of writing is an ability to express the idea, opinion or feeling the, beginning from the simply one to the advanced level”. According to  Troyka (Nopiranti, 2004 : 11):
               Writing as a process, a series of activities that started by the moment of things about the subject and end when they complete a final draft. In other word, writing is a way of communicating a message to reader for a purpose. Writing is a way of things and learning because writing gives us unique to explore ideas and acquire information and a way of discovering because the act of writing allows us to make unexpected connections among ideas and language.
              Writing is  development of an idea through a text. Writing is a process of discovery as writers develop ideas creates text. Like all discoveries, the processes of creating a text often surprise even the writers who, after putting words on paper. Tarigan (1994 : 3-4) said that “writing is a language skill which is used to communicate indirectly. Writing is a productive and expressive activity. In writing, a writer has to use grammar and vocabulary of language.

               From the description above it can be synthesized that writing is used as the activity of language. Writing is productive activity in language. A process of psycholinguistics, beginning from the idea of formulation through semantics rule, and then arranged by syntax’s rule, after that presented in writing arrangement. Writing is one basic language skill that expresses ideas, opinion or feelings in the written form. Writing is a way of things that can develop language ability. Writing is communicating process that is done by the writer and the reader indirectly.

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